Legal Terms
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TechLife Capital is responsible for updating the website in its best ability. If any information on the website in not correct, TechLife is committed to rapidly take a corrective action, but will not be held responsible for any loss or damage incurred.
Intellectual property
According to French Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle, article L122-4, the Website and each of its components is protected by intellectual property rights. Any data of this website, including graphic charter, pictures, logos, brands etc..., is strictly for personal use of the visitor and may not be reproduced, communicated, or used to the benefit of any third party, for commercial or non-commercial purpose. Any unauthorized use of this Website content will fall under the user’s liability and may result in legal proceeding.
TechLife Capital
Simplified Joint Stock Company (Société par Actions Simplifiée)
Capital: 250 000€
SIRET: 84910381700029
Registered office : 26 rue Danielle Casanova, 75002 Paris.
TechLife Capital is an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) approved by Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) under the reference number GP-19000039 since the 15th of October 2019.
Personal Data Protection
TechLife Capital is regulated by French and European Law and comply with the European regulation n°2016/679 of General Data Protection Regulation, applying since May 25th, 2018. TechLife Capital will only use personal data for a direct commercial relation with its customer. The data will confidential and will not be given of sold to a third-party. Website visitors sharing personal data with TechLife Capital through this website are aware that they have access to this data, and they can modify it or suppress it, by directly contacting TechLife Capital.
Policy for preventing and managing conflict of interest
TechLife Capital policy for preventing conflict of interests is available at TechLife Capital registered office and can be communicated upon request by e-mail.
Complaints handling policy
Click here to see TechLife full complaints policy
Important notice : risk factors
Please be aware that investments expose the investor to risk. TechLife Capital kindly reminds that it is not a guaranteed capital funds. Investors will bear a capital loss risk, linked to unlisted companies. The funds past performance does not guarantee the future results, meaning that investors may not recover the whole amount of their initial investment and no guarantee of income is offered.
TechLife strongly recommends that before making any investment decision, investors consult current regulatory documents. The information given by TechLife concerning its investments have an informative purpose and should never be considered as a buying or selling recommendation